Procedure following nominations

Anyone may nominate someone else for an honour or decoration. There are then six steps before an honour is conferred. The last step is when the King signs a royal decree.

Step 1: The municipal official

An application form plus supporting documents are submitted to a municipal official in the place the nominee lives.

Step 2: The mayor

The mayor drafts a recommendation, focusing on any special services performed by the nominee and suggesting a suitable occasion for awarding the honour. 

Step 3: The King’s Commissioner

The mayor’s recommendation is forwarded to the King’s Commissioner in the province concerned, together with the form and supporting documents. The King’s Commissioner also issues a recommendation.

Step 4: The Civil Honours Council

All documents are then sent to the Chancery of the Netherlands Orders in The Hague, where the Civil Honours Council makes a final recommendation. 

Step 5: The minister

The minister responsible receives the final recommendation and decides whether the nominee’s name is put forward to His Majesty the King.

Step 6: The King

The ministry draws up a royal decree and presents it to the King. Without the King’s signature, no honours can be awarded.